The Netherlands is proud to be a leader in academic
research into quantum technology and of the thriving
ecosystem of quantum companies that has emerged
from it, centered in the city of Delft.
The Delft University of Technology’s quantum
technology research institute, QuTech, founded
in collaboration with TNO, is dedicated to the
advancement of these radically new technologies.
Its mission is to develop scalable prototypes of a
quantum computer and a quantum internet, driven
by academic excellence, economic relevance, and
thought leadership. It does this by forging effective
collaborations that span Europe—as with the
coordination of the Quantum Internet Alliance—
and the world, realising that collaboration is key to
advancing innovation in this deep tech field.
The university further cultivates a vibrant quantum
technology ecosystem, creating and supporting
startups that, in turn, attract international companies
to the city, boosting cooperation across borders. As
members of the Quantum Delta Delft community,
these tech leaders are providing the world with
leading-edge quantum computing and networking
In Delft, the
nearly 1000 people
are working on
quantum technology